The powerful Intellidox Document and Drawing Management Engine provides a highly configurable and flexible Engineering Management solution, based on your business rules, that simplifies the user experience for your team.
With Intellidox Document and Drawing Management Engine, you can Replace Shared Drives. One common issue when using a web-based project repository is that it is a separate information silo where content gets duplicated if users remember to use it. Very often the most current version sits on someone’s PC or lost on a network share. One misplaced file can account for hour or days of lost productivity. Imaging being able to control how documents are filed, named, secured, indexed, and used. Also imagine being able to provide quick search (both on metadata and "full text" file contents), version control, access permissions, check-out/check-in, digital signatures, audit trails and more.
Send/Receive/Collaborate/Track communications with external vendors and engineers
Produce sets for Bid Packages, Construction work Sets, Operating Sets, etc. and manage documents as a single bundle
Let engineers work directly from their native
View CAD & MicroStation drawings, including all xREF files/layers, without having native applications installed. Redline and Mark-up Drawings
2-way synchronization of Title Block and drawing Meta-data allows automatically indexing drawings
Automatically generate PDF renditions of CAD drawings including all xREF layers
Capture changes, approvals, and digital signatures
Automatically Index and Search drawings for key words/tags
Generate and manage Drawing numbers in bulk